The Application of Mobile Database Technology in Power Line Patrol System 移动数据库技术在输电线路巡检中的应用
Research on Image Segmentation of Insulators in Transmission Line by Patrol Inspection with Helicopter 直升机巡检输电线路中绝缘子图像的分割方法
Design of line patrol administration software based on rural power grids 基于农村电网的GPS巡线系统管理软件的设计
So it is favorable for improving reliability and safety of transmission line to develop the advanced Patrol Management System. 所以研究和开发先进的巡线管理系统,能够很好地督促和配合巡线工作的完成,这将有利于提高输电线路运行的安全可靠性。
Part two includes current situation and disadvantage of line patrol system in our courntry, the background of this discussion, the main significance of the research. 第二部分分析了目前线路巡检的几种方式和不足之处,提出了移动位置服务在巡检系统中的应用的设想和意义。
Developing the LOC ( line of communication) patrol system can greatly improve the management and efficiency of patrolling LOG. 开发通信线路巡检系统对提高线路巡检的管理水平和效率具有重要的意义。
The system is advantageous in enhancing the line patrol inspection efficiency of rural power distribution network and is practicable. 该系统利于提高农村配电网络的线路巡检效率,有实用性。
The maintenance work becomes more and more important. It has became an important subject for the raising of maintenance level to supervise line patrol work reasonably by using modem information technology. 运用现代信息技术对线路巡检进行监控和管理已成为提高线路维护水平的重要课题。
The design of architecture of firmware, GUI, data structure, communication protocol, and program of the instrument of line patrol are presented in the thesis. 对嵌入式巡线仪中固件体系结构、GUI、数据结构、通信协议、程序进行了设计与实现。
The electronic patrol system adopts the technology of contactless IC card and uses telephone line to transmit data. And the electronic patrol instrument itself has the function of showing and printing via parallel interface. 本文论述的电子巡更系统是一种采用非接触式IC卡技术,可利用电话线传输数据,而且巡更仪本身具有汉字显示功能,可用并行接口连接打印机完成打印功能的电子巡更系统。
And the quality of line patrol totally depends on the worker's responsibility. 线路巡检的到位率以及巡检质量的高低完全凭借巡检人员的自觉性,管理人员无法跟踪巡线人员的到位率,使得巡线质量得不到保证,对安全生产极为不利。
Line patrol management function will assign repair work to the appropriate team. 巡线管理模块能根据报修区域将工作分配到相应班组。
Then it designs and implements inspection on oil field pipelines of mobile GIS which integrated a data-processing module, graphic display module, query positioning modules, line modules pipeline patrol, pipeline patrol line recorded module. 进而设计并实现了一个包含数据处理模块、图形显示模块、查询定位模块、管线巡线模块、管线巡线记录模块为一体的油田管线巡检移动GIS。
It includes the ARM processor as the core of the system controller, velocity controller dc motor, intelligent line patrol instrument design. 其主要包括以ARM处理器为核心的系统主控制器、能够精确实现速度直流电机控制器、智能巡线仪的设计。
In the electricity sector, power line patrol is a major problem that restricted the development of the power industry. 而在电力行业中,电力巡线成为制约电力行业发展的一大难题。
For better line patrol personnel management, timely and reliable delivery processing risks and problems that inspections found, to ensure safe and reliable continuous operation of gas pipeline, gas patrol management information system came into being. 为更好的监管巡线人员工作,及时可靠的传递处理巡线人员发现的隐患和问题,保证燃气管网安全可靠的连续运行,燃气公司研发了燃气巡线管理信息系统。
They are: management of repair, line patrol management module. 核心模块为:报修管理管理、巡线管理模块。
Currently, the line maintenance rely mainly on highly trained patrol Road railway maintenance workers to labor inspection and visual methods to determine the rail road damage pillow, rail wear and the lack of nuts and other fasteners line conditions. 目前,线路维修中主要依靠受过铁路检修训练的巡道工人以人工巡检和目测的方法来判定铁轨路枕损坏情况、钢轨磨损以及扣件螺母的缺失等线路状况。